A common experience for many with ADHD is what we call ADHD Paralysis. There are multiple types of it, such as Mental Paralysis, Choice Paralysis & Task Paralysis. It is a phenomenon when we feel overwhelmed and frozen… unable to think or function effectively. It can show up in your life like a “glitch” in the system— trying to do everything at once and not actually accomplishing much of it all.
Think of it like a computer trying to process 7 programs at once, all the while you have 10 tabs open. Eventually, it’s going to crash and shut down.
This can all be associated with other symptoms:
🧠 overthinking problems
📑 the inability to start or simply prioritize tasks
⌚️ poor time management
📱 distractibility
🤔 difficulty making decisions
It helps each of us so much to learn more about how our brains work, to better manage our day to day lives as well as the progress we try to make. These paralysis symptoms can feel like MAJOR setbacks and so challenging to breakthrough.
Managing this requires patience and compassion for yourself, first and foremost. In order to learn more about what’s going on, you have to understand the root cause, pay attention to yourself to recognize your symptoms, and even experiment with different strategies to help manage these symptoms and hopefully avoid paralysis.
It IS possible to manage ADHD paralysis. It is. It’s a matter of trial + error at times, but sooner we can learn and understand that… the smoother that journey can become. There is no black and white or one way ruling to ADHD… it looks different on everyone. Keep trying for yourself.
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